Monday, December 14, 2009

Dressed up

Aren't they just the cutest?!?!

Our church had a formal ladies tea this weekend, so the girls and I dressed up in our Christmas finest. Eddie and Samuel also were dressed up as they were servers. The ladies put on a very nice tea and my girls had fun going to their first formal tea.

I'd been asked to post some pics of the house since we got more painted -- here is one of the living room all decorated for Christmas.
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Christmas Program part 2

Just a couple more pics

I didn't get a picture of the whole group together, as I was busy being a sheep herder on the side,
but here's a couple pretty good shots of the group.
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Christmas Program

The church had their annual Christmas program last week. The kids did a great job presenting a nativity musical. It was a simple program, but a great reminder of the true reason we celebrate Christmas.

my little sheepies :-)

my wise-people
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The Kiddos

For those of you who just check the blog to see pics of the kids, you should like this one!! ;-)
They got new pjs for an early Christmas present and are posing here to show them off.

Here they are in true form... :-D

They also had a lot of fun with family making a gingerbread train, which they aptly named
the "The Candy Express" -- yes that really is a train under all of that frosting and candy!
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Our kids sure have enjoyed AWANA!
Here's a pic of part of the kids at opening.

This week was our Operation Christmas Child where the whole church got together and filled Christmas shoeboxes.
The kids brought enough stuff to fill 46 boxes!!!

The girls enjoyed having Daddy help them!

Here are the boxes ready to be delivered and then shipped.
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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Baptism Service

Last Sunday we had our first baptism service here at Kendrick! It was a great time for the church family to come together and celebrate the decisions that these 4 made!!

We were especially proud of Hannah! She was very excited to make this public acknowledgement of her desire to follow Jesus in all she does!

Not only did we have a great time after the baptism, playing in the water, but then we made a day of it and had a cookout and an evening service. It was a beautiful evening of fun!!
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Kids, kids and more kids :-)

Here is a couple pics of our regular group of kids for Sunday School! It is so great to see so many young kids in church! Here they are singing special music on the Sunday after Independence Day. They did great!!

Our kids, standing by their new flag! They had fun finding it in the line-up!

Here we are cheesing it up in celebration of Lydia learning to read! She can hardly get enough time reading aloud to anyone that will listen!

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Happy, Healthy and Growing

Hi again, after a long break from updating! We are doing good and really enjoying our new home and ministry here in Colorado!

The pics of the kids are just some random shots, so you can see their smiling faces!! In other news, Vesser #5 is due to arrive at the beginning of January, so we'd appreciate your prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy and birth!

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Last week we had a great time at VBS! It was a fun way to meet some of the people and a bunch of super kids!! Even though it was kind of crazy getting ready for it so soon after our move here, it turned out to be a wonderful week. Our theme was "Studio Go Game Show" and yes, if you were wondering, that is Eddie on the left in the wig -- doesn't he make a great game show host?! ;-)
No pictures from our Bible lesson time, but the kids learned about Gideon, Esther, the Resurrection, Paul's conversion and the Apostles telling others about Jesus.

The kids LOVED playing "Ships & Sailors" (top right)
They all enjoyed craft time, but I think the littlest ones really enjoyed being set free with glitter glue!
The last day we all had some fun with water balloons ~ I think "Coach" might have gotten the brunt of the water on him. ;-)

Below: What is VBS without some crazy games??

Here's a couple pics of most of our kids from the week. We were missing a couple families the last day.
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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Home, Sweet Home

Sorry it has been so long since I last updated. Things have been a bit busy around here!! We are doing good and the kids are adjusting really well. We're mostly unpacked and have been doing some painting around the house. I'll try to post some pics of the rooms soon (if I don't forget!)

Here we are - all ready for our 1st Sunday at Kendrick!

Here are the kids outside of our church. The building you can see behind and left of the church is a large multi-purpose building. It was wonderful to use for VBS!
The pic below is of our new home. You can't really tell from this picture, but it is a pretty big house, and we have enjoyed using it to have family and friends stay with us already!
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Monday, May 4, 2009

Moving on...

For those who havent' heard, we are moving!! In not quite 2 weeks we'll be heading to Colorado. Aside from the packing (which really isn't all that exciting), we are getting very excited to move and meet our new church family and neighbors. And as an added bonus we'll even have some family semi-close, which is a first for us! Please be praying especially for the kids as this is all new for them.

Easter weekend pics. Thought the kids in their pj's was too cute. The other pic is from Easter Sunday morning. Aren't they the cutest?! ;-)
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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Prayer requests and praises

Thanks so much for all of you who pray for us! We truly appreciate it and know that it is only through God's grace and your support that we are able to do what we do.


- We had a great and safe time visiting some of Eddie's fam. in CO.
- It was a huge blessing to us to spend time at our home church in Harrisburg!
- The winter storm we were supposed to get fizzled out. (Hoorah!!)


- Safety in traveling as we'll be going and doing a lot of different things this week
- Plans are being made for VBS, pray that it would all come together smoothly
- Please pray for us as we are going through some very difficult times right now

Busy, Busy...

Here's a pic of the kids doing one of their favorite things. Playing in the dirt!!

We joined a homeschool group this year. The kids LOVE it!
The group had a float in the St. Pat's Day parade.

These two pics are from our trip to Colorado.
There were some really nice days and we were able to spend one of them at the zoo.
It was so good to spend time with some of Eddie's family.
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