Saturday, March 14, 2009


Eddie passed his EMT license recertification test! The kids and I were very excited for him and had a fun day of celebrating! The kids decorated this sign and we had it hung out with balloons for when he got home.

This week looks to be a busy one with lots going on. Then onto our trip! We'll be heading to CO to visit some family and friends, then speaking at Harrisburg Comm. Church and Frontier. We are all excited to get away and see everyone.

Please be praying...
- for safety as we'll be on the road a lot in the next couple of weeks
- for wisdom and direction for us (we have some pretty important decisions to make and want to do what God wants)
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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Prayer Requests

Here's a few things that we would appreciate your prayers for:
  • Eddie will be taking his EMT test this Friday to keep up his national certification. He needs to pass, because you only get one chance to renew this way.
  • Please be praying about our housing situation, as the church has raised some money to purchase a different parsonage, but we still haven't found the right deal yet.
  • We also need wisdom regarding some situations that we are dealing with, so that we will do what is right, not what is convenient.
  • Lastly, with much sickness going around, please pray that we will stay healthy!
Thank you!

What we've been up to...

Here is a picture from our Valentine's Banquet Dinner Theater. We had a good turn out. It went really well and was quite a bit of fun. In case you don't recognize Eddie, he's the one on the right. Everyone seemed to have fun giving him a hard time about having hair. Personally, I like him better bald. ;-)

Here's our super speller! He took 1st place (for 3rd grade) in the spelling bee!

And now, our adorable girls!!
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