Sunday, April 5, 2009

Prayer requests and praises

Thanks so much for all of you who pray for us! We truly appreciate it and know that it is only through God's grace and your support that we are able to do what we do.


- We had a great and safe time visiting some of Eddie's fam. in CO.
- It was a huge blessing to us to spend time at our home church in Harrisburg!
- The winter storm we were supposed to get fizzled out. (Hoorah!!)


- Safety in traveling as we'll be going and doing a lot of different things this week
- Plans are being made for VBS, pray that it would all come together smoothly
- Please pray for us as we are going through some very difficult times right now

Busy, Busy...

Here's a pic of the kids doing one of their favorite things. Playing in the dirt!!

We joined a homeschool group this year. The kids LOVE it!
The group had a float in the St. Pat's Day parade.

These two pics are from our trip to Colorado.
There were some really nice days and we were able to spend one of them at the zoo.
It was so good to spend time with some of Eddie's family.
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